Day Houses

To enhance its family atmosphere, the School is divided into four Day Houses.

Students develop multiple loyalties over their time with us but loyalty to their House probably trumps all else. Sometimes referred to as a ‘School within a School’ the Houses are the backbone of our school and are woven into its DNA.  This helps us to know each child better and to increase the family feeling within the School. We expect senior leaders to know all students; Heads of House to know them well; and every student to feel understood and valued as an individual. This includes the House looking after their learning needs and achievement, as well as being the first point of contact for emotional and mental health and social and medical needs.

Tutor groups are organised into Lower School (Year 7 and 8), Middle School (Years 9,10 and 11) and Upper School (Years 12 and 13). Thus a child will stay within one House and might have only three tutors in seven years, and children can integrate well with older and younger students. 

Each House has a group of prefects and these senior pupils play a major part in the organisation of the many Inter-House activities and competitions that form the Endeavour Cup. They also play an important part in settling-in new pupils. Our pupils are our greatest asset and we do our best to look after them.

Grant House


The Rev Cecil Grant was the founder of St George's School and its first headmaster from 1907 until his retirement in 1936. He was deputy Headmaster of Keswick School and brought with him the ethos of Keswick as well as the Keswick school song. His plan was to set up a co-educational boarding school founded on Christian principles. This was very forward-thinking for 1907. Grant believed that the family offers the best possible environment for children's education as well as their upbringing. Grant House tries to continue this family-oriented principle within St George's.

Grant Head of House: Mr A Muriss, Deputy: Mr R Finnegan
House Pastoral Assistant: Mrs M Robinson


Mr S Tweeddale
Mr M Buckley
Mrs C Scott (0.8) & Mrs V Sweeney (0.8)
Ms A Humphrey

Middle School:

Ms M Akhtar & Mrs H Goatly (0.6) (LRR)
Miss T Murphy
Mrs J Mehta (0.8) & Mrs J Slade (0.6)
Mrs R Potter (0.6) & Mrs C Voica (0.6)
Miss C Carter-Crosby

Lower School:

Mrs L Bailey (0.8) & Mrs N Baxter (0.6)
Miss M Laker
Miss A Darbourne
Miss R Mallon (RPF)


Goddard House


Goddard House is named after John Lister Goddard, a former pupil at St George’s who fought in the First World War and gave his life for his country in 1916. Goddard is made up of a team of 18 tutors and over 330 pupils and we are always striving to improve, do our best, and see our members reach their full potential.

Goddard Head of House: Mr J Day, Deputy: Miss E Sayers
House Pastoral Assistant: Mrs H Grainger

Upper school:

Miss T Ashwell
Mr K Reynolds
Mr T Bensley
Mr A Clark

Middle School:

Mr S Williams
Mr J Wright (0.8) & Mrs E Sabato (0.8)
Mrs N Evans
Mrs J Marsh (0.8) and Mrs M Cullis (0.6)
Mrs K Farr

Lower School:

Miss M Woodburn
Mrs K Hammersley (0.8) & Mrs M Stearn (0.4)
Miss J Foster
Miss M Gammon


Watts House


A school does not exist to send out men and women solely to play a part in life whereby they achieve a competence and honourable life of useful work and even a modicum of fame, but it exists to send out for posterity and for their own generation, men and women who by their character shall leave the society in which they live the better for their presence and hence the world much nearer the Kingdom

Watts Head of House: Mr N Harris, Deputy: Miss H Kimmings
House Pastoral Assistant: Miss P Chilvers

Upper School:

Mrs L Holton-Gaus
Mrs S Russell (0.92)
Mrs J Povey (AMK)
Miss A Hartley & Mrs L Crookell-Slade (0.5)

Middle School:

Mr R Glass & Mr D Overton (0.6)
Mrs L Bebbington-Crombie (HJK)
Mrs H McCrossan
Mr J Burrett
Ms S Norris

Lower School:

Mrs E Kelly
Mr A Mackintosh
Ms B Le Fleming & Mrs N Delaney (0.5)
Mr B Reddings



Monk House


Monk House is named after Bertram Monk, who was an Old Georgian who died heroically pointing the way to the enemy leading his men in World War One. Since then Monk House has flourished with consistently high standards in all house events. In recent years we are most known for our achievement in house music, chess and cross-country running.

Monk Head of House: Mr D Ede, Deputy: Mrs G Brooke-Malloy
House Pastoral Assistant: Mr E Blair

Upper School:

Mrs J Dodds (0.8) & Mrs L Terry (0.6)
Mrs C Turner
Mr D Rees
Mr S Wallace (JSC)

Middle School:

Mrs M Evans
Ms A Wadhams
Mr J O’Neil
Mrs J Berriel-Evora
Miss H Milstead

Lower School:

Mrs K Mistry
Miss C Hoffmann
Mr J Edwards & Dr P Hess (0.6) (SRW)
Mrs F Chalkley