Our Vision and Aims
“A school does not exist to send out men and women solely to play a part in life whereby they achieve a competence and honourable life of useful work, but it exists to send out for posterity and for their own generation, men and women who by their character shall leave the society in which they live, the better for their presence and hence the world much nearer the Kingdom."
Dr. Watts
For over 100 years, the vision for our School has not changed. We firmly believe that the principles and vision on which our School was founded are as fit for purpose today as they have always been.
We seek to encourage all within our community to ‘Aim Higher’ through personal development and leadership, academic achievement, the exploring and expression of our Christian faith and through service-beyond-self.
This vision is reflected in the Governors’ Aims that state that, as a School, we strive to:
- Provide a first-class education which helps all of us achieve our full potential.
- Encourage respect for spiritual and moral values which reflect the Christian foundation of the School.
- Help all of us to grow into mature, self-disciplined citizens and caring members of society prepared for the challenges they will face.
- Create an environment which provides for equality of opportunity and promotes good relationships between individuals within the School and in the wider community on the basis of mutual respect.
We expect to achieve these aims in partnership with parents and carers together with partner schools and groups in the community.