
In English, we work to foster students who are creative, independent, well-read communicators. Our diverse curriculum encourages students to become socially aware, critical readers, able to empathise with a range of different perspectives. We aim to empower students to become confident, resilient learners, sharing ideas sensitively and imaginatively; students who will make positive contributions to their community and the wider world.

Key stage 3 (years 7, 8 & 9)

Our students are taught in mixed ability classes. In response to the requirements of the National Curriculum, the core content is delivered in a modular programme including poetry and Shakespeare. We deliver an inclusive and diverse curriculum to ensure all our students see themselves represented and valued.

Students have 3 one hour lessons per week usually taught by one teacher. All pupils follow the same combined Literature and Language course and emphasis is placed on developing confidence in subject key skills. Year 7 and 8 have frequent Library lessons.

Our schemes of work are challenging and engaging; empowering all students to become reflective thinkers and collaborative learners. We are continually reviewing and adapting our curriculum content, ensuring it remains relevant to and resonant of our ever changing world. 

Our students benefit from regular self, peer, and teacher assessment opportunities. This enables them to reflect and improve on their use of core skills in reading, writing and spoken language.

Prep is typically set once a week – when relevant and meaningful. This includes a range of tasks such as reading, independent prep projects and consolidation of prior learning. 

Curriculum Maps

Key stage 4 (years 10 & 11)

Our students follow the AQA GCSE English Language course: ‘Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing’ and ‘Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives’.

Most of our students also follow the AQA GCSE English Literature course: Shakespeare, 19th Century Novel, Poetry Anthology, 20th Century Literature, and Unseen Poetry.

Students have four lessons per week in mixed ability groups covering both GCSEs.

Students have regular in-class assessments at the end of modules, frequent informal feedback opportunities and mock examinations in year 10 and year 11. Students take two papers for the GCSE English Literature qualification and two papers for GCSE English Language.

Key stage 5 (years 12 & 13)

Students study the EDUQAS English Literature specification: this includes poetry, prose and drama across the ages, as well as an independent NEA.

Students have 4 one hour lessons per week and are taught by two teachers. Students develop their skills of analysis via critical works and discussion, as well as in depth study of key texts.

Students have regular in-class assessments at the end of modules, frequent informal feedback opportunities and mock examinations in year 12 and year 13. Students take three papers for the A Level English Literature qualification and complete one NEA.

A Level summary and curriculum document to be linked here once devised and complete (a task to be outlined and completed at a later date)

Additional Opportunities

  • Creative writing club
  • Theatre trips
  • Visiting theatre companies
  • Literature conference
  • Whole school Literacy initiatives
  • Writing competitions - within school and nationally
  • Debating club
  • School magazine