The PSHE curriculum intent is to ensure that every pupil leaves St George’s school with the skills and knowledge to:
• Be an active citizen in the community
• Understand their rights and responsibilities in the world around them
• Build, create and maintain meaningful, healthy relationships
• Challenge behaviours that may make them or others around them feel unsafe
• Pursue further education or employment that leads to professional success
The PSHE curriculum is taught one hour every other week from year 7 through to year 12.
The units of work that are covered in the PSHE curriculum are as follows:
• Health and Wellbeing
• Relationships and Sex Education
• Living in the Wider World
• Celebrating Diversity and Equality
These units are mapped out as a spiral fashion, so that each year touches on these subjects in an age-appropriate manner and allows them to build on prior knowledge and deepen their understanding.
From September 2020 St George’s school has been using the PSHE Association and Creative Education resources to quality assure the work that is delivered.
As part of that quality assurance, we host a Relationship and Sex Education forum for parents and carers. This forum provides families with the information about the curriculum content/delivery and the DfE statutory requirements on Relationships and Sex Education. As well as schools RSE policy.
If you have concerns about the PSHE curriculum, then please email Amy Hartley, Head of Department for Personal Development on