​Sixth Form Code of Conduct

Rules (not “just guidelines”) specific to the Sixth Form to be read in conjunction with the School’s Policies on Discipline, Smoking and Drug Abuse, Bullying and Acceptable Use of the Computer System, as well as the Sixth Form Uniform Rules and Sixth Form Learning Contract.

This Code is designed to ensure St George’s Sixth Form is an environment which is tidy, clean and safe, allows students to maximise their educational opportunities and prepares them for an ambitious future in the working world.  Disciplinary processes for Sixth Form breaches of this Code will reflect the School discipline process and may also involve loss of various Sixth Form privileges.

  1. OFF SITE PRIVILEGES (& Health and Safety): Students must sign in/out at Aim Higher only if they have permission from staff to miss part of the school day. Students must attend all sessions, including Learning Support assigned help. Year 13 students permitted “Home Study” by their HOH must ensure they do not miss important messages and must sign in/out (including boarders leaving to go to the Boarding House). Prefects have the privilege to leave the site during Study lessons. Students may not leave the site just for break time but are allowed off site at lunchtime 1.15 pm - 2.15 pm, signing out by tapping their plastic Sixth Form ID card on the card reader device by the Chapel, tapping back in if they return before registration. Truancy/Irregular attendance may reflect poor attitude and may lead to the removal of the student from courses or an earlier study leave arrangement (with no return and exclusion from all leavers’ events).
  2. ON SITE ILL HEALTH: Students who feel “unwell” in anyway during the School day should report to the First Responder in the Medical Centre who will assess the student and, if appropriate, make arrangements for the student to go home.  No student can sign themselves out at Aim Higher as being “unwell”.
  3. FIELD: Students may use the parts of the field (when open) marked on the map at break and lunchtime only.
  4. EQUIPPED FOR LEARNING: Students are required to have the correct prep work, and equipment for each lesson and activity each day.  Students may be dismissed from that lesson in order to produce the missing work by the end of the lesson, as well as catching up on the missed lesson.  Students must return with the completed work at the end of the lesson.
  5. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Cheating, in any form is unacceptable, including plagiarism.  It is detrimental to learning.  Students must not copy the work of others, nor allow their work to be copied for any aspect of their study.
  6. EXTREME WEATHER: The Sixth Form Dress Code may be relaxed by Leadership in extreme weather conditions eg wearing of coats/boots indoors when icy or no jacket/tie when hot.  Coats can be worn in the Refectory, since students often go to the piazza/Chapel area to eat.
  7. CONSUMING FOODSTUFFS: The only areas where students can eat and drink (other than water) are the Dining Room, Grant Quad, the Refectory, the piazza outside the Refectory, the Chapel area next to the Sixth Form Centre and the Seminar Room when booked for lunchtime sessions.  Food does not travel through the School for ANY reason; it is consumed in the area in which it was purchased.  Food may not be bought for any other year group from the Refectory.
  8. CARE OF COMMUNITY PROPERTY: Students should immediately report any damage and explain the circumstances.  Only Sixth Form students are permitted in the Sixth Form Centre, unless directed by staff to the area.  The Sixth Form Centre is used by a large number of people and needs a community spirit of care: students should throw away their litter; students may not play any “throwing, bouncing, kicking” games as these would cause a ban from the area.  Card or board games can be played unless disrupting others.  Any form of gambling is not acceptable.  Students may not sit or stand on tables or put shoes/feet on seats/tables.  “Bagging” of seats is not permitted.  The study area is for quiet working, one student per work space.  Printing is covered by subs and is for student’s written academic school related work only (not blank forms, applications, specifications or subject paperwork, including past papers).  The Seminar Room can be booked for group work and treated as for all public spaces.
  9. CARE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY: Students must not leave bags unsupervised in communal areas where they pose a risk and block the space (they will be confiscated); bags and coats can be left in the cloakroom cupboard (top of stairs).  Students should ask their HOH if a locker is available.  Students must be responsible for their own belongings: loss is common, theft is rare.
  10. DIGITAL/ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: Students using either School or their own equipment (including phones) are permitted to use this for educational purposes only in all class/study rooms (no game playing etc).  The exception is that students may listen to their own music in the Sixth Form Centre or Library, if it does not disturb others.  Students should not bring in any unnecessary electronic equipment and may not use phones, wear earphones, etc around the site without staff permission.  The TVs in the Refectory must be on the news channel unless it is break or lunchtime, when the music channel is the only alternative.
  11. INTERACTION WITH OTHER STUDENTS: Students must be aware that if they interact through social media they are unable to control any information that is placed in the digital world.  Students should avoid leaving digital footprints that the School may find it necessary to become involved in.  See “Discipline Policy: Definition of School Jurisdiction”.
  12. DRIVING: Students are not permitted to use academic study lessons for driving lessons.  Students may not drive on to the School site even with their parents.  Parents may only drive and park on site if visiting a member of staff.  Students must leave enough time to find a parking place within the community, giving due consideration for the residents and public access vehicles (ambulances etc).  Any students driving to School and parking within the community are asked to leave their contact details and car make, colour and registration number with Goddard Reception in order to ensure that they can be contacted should the need arise.
  13. ABSENT STAFF: Students will always have work set if staff are absent.  Students must remain in the classroom and complete this work.  Students may not remove themselves to complete this work elsewhere, thereby putting pressure on other spaces in the School.

June 2020